TRANS masti – Gore ne može

TRANS fats – It can't go up

[Signals from food 4/6]

Fat is one of the basic building materials of our body and by consuming good fats we become healthy and slim. Good fats will help absorb minerals and vitamins, are necessary for building cell membranes, are necessary for blood clotting, muscle movement and regulation of inflammation. For long-term fat health are the most important factor when creating a menu.

Good fats are mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, bad fats are trans fats, in the middle are saturated fatty acids. They all have a similar chemical structure: a chain of carbon atoms linked to hydrogen atoms, and they are distinguished by the length and shape of the carbon chain and the number of hydrogen atoms linked to carbon atoms. Seemingly small differences in structure translate into crucial differences in form and function.


How much fat do we need every day?

Fat should be eaten with every meal. As noted, fat provides satiety, transports your vitamins and also lowers the glycemic impact of a meal - meaning it regulates blood sugar levels. About 30% of the calories in the daily intake should be provided from fat. Now try to think from which food source comes 30% of your caloric intake per day?

Maybe they come from a bakery (commercial pastries, muffins, doughnuts), or from snacks (crackers, popcorn, chips), nuggets, breaded fish or chicken? Or perhaps you grill meat and cook stews in hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil at home? The soup from the bag will warm you up quickly, and the ready-made sauce is convenient to make a quick dinner. be aware that these are the primary sources of TRANS fats.



It is difficult to enumerate the dangers that trans fats bring to your health. The dangers are more far-reaching than many other risk factors that people are burdened with today. We usually don't bother with various theories, but here we claim loud and clear that the food industry has taken a toll on many lives by placing these types of fats on the market. Trans fats are found in almost every kitchen, in every bakery, in almost all snacks that our children love, in sauces and ready-made soups...

Look for ingredients called "hydrogenated vegetable oils" or "partially hydrogenated oils." These are the hidden sources of artificial trans fats. These fats are created when vegetable oils are chemically altered to remain solid and stable at room temperature, giving them a much longer shelf life. expiration date.

Small amounts of natural trans fats can be found in meat and dairy products, but artificial trans fats are considered dangerous. This is the worst kind of fat because it not only raises the bad LDL cholesterol but also lowers the good HDL levels. Artificial trans fats also cause chronic, silent inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, stroke and other chronic conditions, and contributes to insulin resistance, which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • Intake of 5g of trans fat per day (which accounts for 2% of total energy intake) increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 23%!

  • Each additional gram of trans fat consumed increases this risk by 5%.

Remember that no amount of TRANS fat is considered safe, so try to eliminate it from your diet. Absolute and strict limitation of industrially obtained trans fatty acids in all food that is placed on the European Union market could save around 50,000 lives per year. That's not a small number.

Also, trans fats often come packaged together with bad carbohydrates in highly processed foods. In that combination, the annual number of victims is impossible to count. It can't go up.

🌱 Maticnjak advises: Read the declarations, wherever you read the statement "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" on the declaration " put the product back on the shelf. Without thinking. Trans fats must be out of your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Find out below how to include good fats in your diet, the method is easy and applicable for everyone. This can be the first step by which you will really actively, target and smartly encourage health changes in your life.

=> I choose oil, I choose health (5/6)

Blog 'Signals from Food'

Ivo Bačlija, herbalistapiterapeut
+The information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
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