Nigella Junior is a functional honey with black cumin seeds (in addition to black cumin seeds, it also contains flower pollen collected by bees during the dusty season) and hazelnut to make it as tasty as possible for children.
Nigella Junior functional honey contains the most common allergens (ambrosia, hazel and birch, alder, poplar, grass and weed pollen). In practice, treatment with hyposensitization is recommended in cases where there is an allergy to one or a smaller number of allergens, because it is allergens in small doses that hyposensitize the organism (1.). Hyposensitization is the procedure most often recommended for allergies to mites, grass pollen, weeds and trees. It is believed that they teach our body that flower pollen as an allergen is an excellent food and that it no longer needs to react to it so violently and inadequately (1).
Numerous and valuable nutritional properties of the seeds have been proven, and the herbs in the honey are safe, protected from oxidation, last longer and do not lose their beneficial properties. A completely natural product, with a firm texture unlike classic honeys, a simple and quick bite, high nutritional value and with a very specific and measurable effect.
1. https://www.cybermed.hr/clanci/imunoterapija_ili_hiposenzibilizacija
What science says

100% love, 0% chemistry
Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
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