Oil macerate of sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), in 100% cold-pressed black cumin oil (Nigella sativa). Dry matter represents 20% of the macerate by volume, 1:5 by volume.
Sweet wormwood, or its dried leaves on the inside of the stem, where the most artemisinin is found, are immersed in cold-pressed black cumin oil for six weeks, which "binds" or macerates their properties. Black cumin oil combines the effects of sweet wormwood and black cumin in the best way, because black cumin is the only oil that releases essential oil, such as thymoquinone, when cold pressed.
This macerate has arguably the highest concentration of artemisinin compared to other preparations, as much as 100 mg in one Macerat 14 bottle (200 ml) or 6.17 g of extremely purified dry leaf of sweet wormwood with 1.7-1.9% artemisinin (common plants have about 0.3-0.5%). Gluten free.
In addition to artemisinin, sweet wormwood also contains other substances such as carvacrol and quercetin.
Macerat 14 – Matičnjak's original product designed in 2015 by phytotherapist and apitherapist Mr. Iva Bačlija .
The properties of Matičnjak macerate come from the combined action of several components that have been selected based on many years of experience in making herbal preparations. When making macerate, the principle is adopted in which the whole is more important than the component parts.
What science says about black cumin
What science says about sweet wormwood
Sweet wormwood on sale in packages
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Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
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