Stara dobra kvaliteta u novom pakiranju!

Old good quality in new packaging!

Below we present our new product design. Following primarily our intuition and desires, and then the trends, we decided to put effort into the idea of a new look for our items.

As one of our slogans says – 100% love, 0% chemistry, we have woven 100% of our ideas and 0% artificially imposed rules into this new outfit.

Our desire was to weave the warmth of work in our production and offices, the playfulness of communication and a cheerful spirit, and yet the purified benefit of nature that gave us what we do and the seriousness of the effects of preparations on our body and mind.

Regardless of the changes, our main strategy is still to maintain the quality that is our trademark. Purity and verified sources, which we try to ensure as much as possible from domestic producers, are our permanent allies for obtaining a level of quality from which we do not deviate.

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