Macerate 02 is an oil preparation in which ginger, parsley, cinnamon and hawthorn are soaked in apricot kernel oil.
For six weeks, the plants are immersed in cold-pressed apricot kernel oil, which "binds" their medicinal properties, i.e. macerates them.
By taking 2-3 teaspoons a day (before meals), you get the best from the synergy of carefully selected herbs and apricot oil.
What does science say
- According to literal data and the pharmacopoeia, HAWTHORN contains procyanidins, flavones, tannins, ascorbic acid and acts as a heart tonic, coronary vasodilator, hypotensive and antisclerotic. That is exactly why it is used to strengthen the heart, in hypertension and angina pectoris (1,2,3).
- According to the pharmacopoeia, GINGER acts as a carminative and diuretic (4)
- PARSLEY has its own aromatic smells and according to the pharmacopoeia it contains essential oil, acting as a diuretic, carminative, expectorant, antirheumatic and antimicrobial and is used in cystitis, dysuria, bronchitis... (5,6,7,8)
- CINNAMON and its scents and aromas act as an antispasmodic, carminative, corrigent... (9,10)
- APRICOT OIL contains almost no amygdalin at all (amygdalin is found exclusively in the membrane of the apricot kernel) and therefore has no anticancer properties, but it is a very good nutritive oil. (11,12)
- Mary C. Tassell,Rosari Kingston, Deirdre Gilroy, Mary Lehane, and Ambrose Furey. Hawthorn (Crataegus) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease Pharmacogn Rev. 2010 Jan-Jun; 4(7): 32–41. doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.65324
- Min Wu, Longtao Liu Yanwei Xing Shengjie Yang Hao Li, and Yu Cao. Roles and Mechanisms of Hawthorn and Its Extracts on Atherosclerosis: A Review. Front Pharmacol. 2020; 11: 118. Published online 2020 Feb 21. doi: 3389/fphar.2020.00118
- Wei Du, Hong-Min Fan,Yu-Xin Zhang, Xiao-Hua Jiang, and Yun Li. Effect of Flavonoids in Hawthorn and Vitamin C Prevents Hypertension in Rats Induced by Heat Exposure. 2022 Feb; 27(3): 866. Published online 2022 Jan 27. doi: 10.3390/molecules27030866
- Bode AM, Dong Z. The Amazing and Mighty Ginger. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, editors. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2011. Chapter 7.
- J. Charles, in Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Second Edition), Volume 1, 2012
- Ester S. Oh, ... Connie J. Rogers, in Current Advances for Development of Functional Foods Modulating Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, 27.3.11 Parsley, 2022
- Marian Butu, Steliana Rodino, in Natural Beverages, 2019, 11.2.26 Parsley
- Mohammad Hosein Farzaei, Zahra Abbasabadi, Mohammad Reza Shams Ardekani, Roja Rahimi, Fatemeh Farzaei. Parsley: a review of ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activities. PMID: 24660617 DOI: 10.1016/s0254-6272(14)60018-2
- Pasupuleti Visweswara Raoand Siew Hua Gan. Cinnamon: A Multifaceted Medicinal Plant. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014; 2014: 642942. Published online 2014 Apr 10. doi: 10.1155/2014/642942
- Pallavi Kawatra and Rathai Rajagopalan. Cinnamon: Mystic powers of a minute ingredient. Pharmacognosy Res. 2015 Jun; 7(Suppl 1): S1–S6. doi: 10.4103/0974-8490.157990
- Mansoor Ali Akhone, Aarti Bains, Mansuri M. Tosif, Prince Chawla Melinda Fogarasi, and Szabolcs Fogarasi. Apricot Kernel: Bioactivity, Characterization, Applications, and Health Attributes. Foods. 2022 Aug; 11(15): 2184. Published online 2022 Jul 22. doi: 10.3390/foods11152184
- Muhammad Iqbal Bhanger, Farooq Anwar, Najma Memon, Rahman Qadir, Chapter 65 - Cold pressed apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel oil, Editor(s): Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan, Cold Pressed Oils, Academic Press, 2020, Pages 725-730.
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
Plants and their unique properties can help us with various ailments. It is up to us to use this medicinal plant in the best possible way.
We can pour hot water over it or boil it in it to get the so-called decoction, infusion or simply tea, and we can soak the same herbs in alcohol and get the so-called tinctures. The third way of extracting the active medicinal principles of the "soul" of the plant itself is the production of oil macerates.
Marinate in black cumin oil
- MACERATE 01 - fennel, basil, nettle, aronia and ginger
- MACERAT 04 - bitter melon, fenugreek, bitter gourd and aronia
- MACERAT 14 (bestseller) - sweet game
Macerate in walnut kernel oil
- MACERAT 03 - thyme, hawthorn, nettle and rosemary
- MACERAT 05 - fenugreek and lovage
- MACERAT 08 - growing flowers
- MACERAT 13 - bitter wormwood, black walnut and cloves
Apricot kernels macerated in oil
- MACERAT 02 - ginger, parsley and cinnamon
- MACERAT 10 - yarrow with the addition of walnut kernel oil
- MACERAT 12 - basil, myrrh and nettle with the addition of walnut kernel oil
Pumpkin seed oil macerate
- MACERAT 06 - willow and nettle
Macerate in borage oil
- MACERAT 07 - rootstock and resistant
- MACERAT 09 - European golden coin and parsley
- MACERAT 11 - peppermint

100% love, 0% chemistry
Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
Can't find your medicinal herb? - Ask a phytotherapist .
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Macerate 03 in walnut kernel oil 200ml
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