Nutritional supplements are an important factor in the health of athletes, but it is equally important that they are from a natural source, which means that they are not isolated - due to the important interaction of nutrients.
Daily nutrition with its supplements for a recreational or professional athlete should have an individual approach and create optimal conditions for the best possible mastering of psycho-physical efforts for the purpose of preventing injuries or easier remediation of injuries. It is necessary to supply the body with energy and building materials to improve strength and endurance and recovery, but also to reduce inflammation, acidity and tissue oxidation, which affects the appearance of pain and fatigue from training.
For athletes, we have prepared our package from the natural treasure of Matičnjak. The action of these preparations, made with 100% love and 0% chemistry , is complementary and recommended by phytotherapist Iva Bačlija .
Black cumin oil
- Black cumin oil contains thymoquinone and its derivatives, which according to studies, due to their strong antioxidant effect, could help you recover as soon as possible after hard training, as well as other physical or mental effort. It has preventive and restorative properties because it stimulates body energy. Thymoquinone relaxes all smooth muscles, thus also the bronchi, and improves breathing function by expanding the lung alveoli, i.e. it enables a greater flow of oxygen into the body, and thus greater physical fitness, which in any case is a help to athletes and recreationists who want to increase their physical endurance. This function is extremely important for achieving the best possible sports results (1.).
Hemp protein Strong 4 You
- Hemp protein Strong 4 You - hemp protein, unlike other plant proteins, does not have trypsin inhibitors and that is why its utilization is much higher. We recommend it to athletes and everyone who plays sports - recreationally or professionally, and even those who want to lose weight, with the good intention of improving their general state of health and fitness. In order for the stability and usability of hemp protein to be as high as possible, we added sikava seeds and black cumin, which, due to its antimicrobial effect, guarantees an even longer durability of this protein, which is otherwise sensitive to oxidation. In the mixture, you will find sikavica, as an important source of silymarin, and hazelnut kernel, which, thanks to the large amount of vitamin E, also acts as a natural preservative in stabilizing the oxidation-sensitive hemp protein. It is ideal for vegetarians and vegans, as well as for all those with lactose intolerance.
With Guarana plus 250g
- Functional honey 'Guarana plus'" honey-based dietary supplement containing guarana, a plant species that is often recommended for increased physical efforts, mental and physical activities. That's why, without exception, guarana is recommended to all those who are actively working, who are often accompanied by fatigue, lack of energy and poor concentration (eg students).
Piskavica Plus 250g
- Fenugreek is valuable for athletes for several reasons. In addition to reducing the glycemic index of meals, which regulates the feeling of satiety and reduces the need for snacks, this herb also acts as a natural anabolic. It helps regulate fat metabolism, preventing their deposition in fatty tissue. It also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are essential for maintaining heart health and optimal physical condition.
1. https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2022/12/12/Standardized-black-seed-oil-may-improve-immunity-and-wellbeing-in-endurance-athletes

100% love, 0% chemistry
Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
Can't find your medicinal herb? - Ask a phytotherapist .
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