Sweet Wormwood Macerate in black cumin oil (Macerat 14) is your ideal ally in the fight against viruses, bacteria and fungi and regulation of immunity in a natural way, and Fenugreek Plus is the richest natural source of iron and an ideal complement to sweet wormwood.
The action of Macerat 14 is based on the synergy of medicinal herbs and cold-pressed oil. Sweet wormwood is immersed (macerated) in black cumin oil for a period of six weeks, which "binds" its medicinal properties.
Fenugreek Plus is a nutritional supplement based on medicinal plants and the best plant source of iron with as much as 33mg in 100g of product.
4 complementary herbs have been added to fenugreek, making this mixture a complete phytotherapeutic preparation:
- fenugreek seeds (eng.fenugreek) are also called "Greek seeds" because, according to folklore, the ancient Greeks used them for strength before battle. Today, they are mostly used in cooking.
- sikavica
- dried skin of black grapes
- turmeric
- oat seeds - a good source of selenium, beta glucan and indigestible fiber
What science says about sweet wormwood and black cumin
Black cumin
A plant that ancient peoples say " heals everything except death ".
- The premise of the research is that black cumin increases the activity and number of T-lymphocytes and NK cells that form a natural defense mechanism against viruses, bacteria and fungi (1,2,3,4,5,6).
- With its multiple nutritional and phytochemical compounds, black cumin oil becomes one of the better ingredients for balancing and supporting innate and acquired immune function ( 7,8,9).
Find references to scientific papers on the effect of black cumin in the tab "Reference".
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
Sweet wormwood
It is traditionally used in Chinese medicine for various purposes.
- This medicinal plant is best known for treating malaria (10), but it is also used to reduce fever and swelling (10). However, recent studies also point to the potential of artemisinin and related compounds from sweet wormwood, commonly called artemisinins, in fighting viral infections, inflammation and certain types of mutated cells and formations(11).
- Initial studies indicate positive effects of artemisinin in combating SARS-CoV-2 infection or symptoms associated with COVID-19 and clinical studies under the supervision of the WHO on the potential of artemisinin in the fight against COVID-19 are currently ongoing (11).
1. Khalife R., Hodroj M. H., Fakhoury R., Rizk S. Thymoquinone from nigella sativa seeds promotes the antitumor activity of noncytotoxic doses of topotecan in human colorectal cancer cells in vitro. Planta Medica.
2. Majeed A., Muhammad Z., Ahmad H., Hayat S.S.S., Inayat N., Siyyar S. Nigella sativa L.: uses in traditional and contemporary medicines–An overview. Acta Ecol. Sin. 2020
3. Goyal S.N., Prajapati C.P., Gore P.R., Patil C.R., Mahajan U.B., Sharma C., Talla S.P., Ojha S.K. Therapeutic potential and pharmaceutical development of thymoquinone: a multitargeted molecule of natural origin. Front. Pharmacol. 2017;8:656.
4. Ahmad A., Mishra R.K., Vyawahare A., Kumar A., Rehman M.U., Qamar W., Khan A.Q., Khan R. Thymoquinone (2-Isoprpyl-5-methyl-1, 4-benzoquinone) as a chemopreventive/anticancer agent: chemistry and biological effects. Saudi Pharm. J. 2019
5. Hossen M.J., Yang W.S., Kim D., Aravinthan A., Kim J.-.H., Cho J.Y. Thymoquinone: an IRAK1 inhibitor with in vivo and in vitro anti-inflammatory activities. Sci. Rep. 2017;7:1–12.
6. Aziz N., Son Y.-.J., Cho J.Y. Thymoquinone suppresses IRF-3-mediated expression of type I interferons via suppression of TBK1. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018;19:1355.
7. Glick M. “Could This Millennia-Old Remedy Become a Pharmaceutical Marvel?” Discover Magazine. Published online June 17, 2021.
8. Shen HH et al. “Cold-pressed Nigella sativa oil standardized to 3% thymoquinone potentiates omega-3 protection against obesity-induced oxidative stress, inflammation, and markers of insulin resistance accompanied with conversion of white to beige fat in mice.” Antioxidants (Basel), vol. 9, no. 6 (June 4, 2020): 489
9. Mukherjee M et al. “Autoimmune responses in severe asthma.” Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Research, vol. 10, no. 5 (September 2018): 428-447
10. Skyles AJ, Sweet BV. Alternative therapies. Wormwood. Am J Health Syst.Pharm. 2004;61:239-42.
11. Artemisinins in Combating Viral Infections Like SARS-CoV-2, Inflammation and Cancers and Options to Meet Increased Global Demand
Karim Farmanpour-Kalalagh, Arman Beyraghdar Kashkooli, Alireza Babaei, Ali Rezaei and Alexander R. van der Krol
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
What does science say about tinnitus
- Fenugreek seeds have been used in herbal and Chinese medicine for thousands of years, most often as metabolism and general health tonic, and digestion support (1) . It affects type 1 and 2 diabetes by increasing overall carbohydrate tolerance, even in people without metabolic conditions like diabetes (2 , 3, 4). It is also the best natural substance for lymph detoxification, and plays a vital role in irrigating cells with nutrients and removing toxic waste (5)
- Measles - may be useful as a complementary therapy in diabetes type 2 (6). It was recently confirmed that people who routinely took sikavica experienced significant reductions in fasting blood sugar and HbA1c (7).
- Sow oats - they are rich in fiber, and it is known that fiber is extremely important for the health of the digestive system
- Turmeric- spice and one of the most effective food supplements. Curcumin is the main active substance and has been widely researched, so its strong antioxidant activity has been proven (8).
1. Basch E, Ulbricht C, Kuo G, Szapary P, Smith M. Therapeutic applications of fenugreek. Altern Med Rev. 2003 Feb;8(1):20-7. PMID: 12611558.
2. Kochhar A, Nagi M. Effect of supplementation of traditional medicinal plants on blood glucose in non-insulin-dependent diabetics: a pilot study. J Med Food. 2005 Winter;8(4):545-9. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2005.8.545. PMID: 16379570
3. Madar Z, Abel R, Samish S, Arad J. Glucose-lowering effect of fenugreek in non-insulin dependent diabetics. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1988 Jan;42(1):51-4. PMID: 3286242.
4. Neelakantan N, Narayanan M, de Souza RJ, van Dam RM. Effect of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) intake on glycemia: a meta-analysis of clinical trials. Nutr J. 2014;13:7. Published 2014 Jan 18. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-13-7
5. Fenugreek: A review on its nutraceutical properties and utilization in various food products
6. Kazazis CE, Evangelopoulos AA, Kollas A, Vallianou NG. The therapeutic potential of milk thistle in diabetes. Rev Diabet Stud. 2014 Summer;11(2):167-74. doi: 10.1900/RDS.2014.11.167. Epub 2014 Aug 10. PMID: 25396404; PMCID: PMC4310066.
7. Voroneanu L, Nistor I, Dumea R, Apetrii M, Covic A. Silymarin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Diabetes Res. 2016;2016:5147468. doi: 10.1155/2016/5147468. Epub 2016 Jun 1. PMID: 27340676; PMCID: PMC4908257.
8. Menon VP, Sudheer AR. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;595:105-25. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-46401-5_3. PMID: 17569207.
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.

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