Milk thistle - Q & A

1. Milk thistle granulate is very hard. What is the best way to use MILK THISTLE GRANULATE?

When it comes to sikavica granulate, we must note that it is a very raw food supplement. According to the latest research, it is most recommended to take the granulate on an empty stomach, in order to achieve absolute absorption of silymarin in the body, so that the granulate is mixed with something milky (yogurt, kefir or preferably whey (ideally: goat!), lean or fresh cheese, but never milk ) because lactic acids improve the absorption and bioactivity of silymarin in the body. For all those who are bothered by or do not prefer dairy products, the granulate can also be taken on an empty stomach "dry" in a spoon, so that it is well chewed and swallowed, and after that you can drink a little water or juice for easier digestion of the granulate. In addition to dairy products and taking the granulate "dry", the granulate can also be soaked in a little water, (lukewarm*) tea, unsweetened juice or added to your favorite ready-made porridge, smoothie, etc. By mixing, the granulate will soften very quickly, but it will not dissolve completely. The granulate mixed and softened in this way will not be particularly felt, and you will have taken in the daily dose of silymarin, i.e. all the necessary 140 mg of pure silymarin complex. Considering all the above, you can freely use the granulate as it suits you best.

*Do not under any circumstances put the granulate in hot water or hot meals, because it loses its properties. The same applies to all our other products.

2. Can MILK THISTLE GRANULATE be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

According to the rules of products declared as dietary supplements and the lack of research on the effectiveness and safety of using the product in certain sensitive groups of people (children under the age of 12, pregnant and lactating women), we do not recommend the consumption of the mentioned product to these same groups.

3. What vitamins and minerals does MILK THISTLE GRANULATE contain?

Our milk thistle granulate contains: silymarin complex, high content of vitamin E, high content of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper), essential amino acids (vanillin, arginine, lysine and leucine), fiber, flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin K .

4. When does MILK THISTLE GRANULATE start working? When can I expect the first results?

It takes a minimum of three weeks for milk thistle to start working, so that the best results can be achieved through at least two months of continuous intake (depending on the recommended doses). But, of course, every organism is different and every condition is different. It is therefore important to take into account important parameters [(1) the person's weight (persons with a larger body mass must take a larger amount of granules in a daily dose than the one normally recommended on the declaration as a preventive dose; when it comes to curatives, the doses are increased), (2) liver parameters and (3) severity of the disease/condition] and in addition to nutritional supplements (with possible use of conventional drugs or/and diet recommended by doctors and pharmacists!), try to lead a quality life as possible on all fronts so that the results (long term, not short term!) were more visible. There are many factors that affect health at the same time - from diet, supplements, stress, regular exercise, hormonal system, regular sleep, way and pace of life... It is important to be aware of all these factors so that you do not falter or remain disappointed, if the products , which you take as dietary supplements, after two courses do not (pro)act the way you imagined. Arm yourself with a little patience and good will and reach for health the way nature intended it.

5. I have a fatty non-alcoholic liver. Should I maintain a diet while taking MILK THISTLE GRANULATE?

In the case when dealing with inflammatory conditions such as non-alcoholic fatty liver (without other underlying health conditions), it is very important, among other things, to keep in mind the fact that nutritional supplements are not a substitute or replacement for a proper and balanced lifestyle, so in the case of fatty liver, very important to reduce bad fats and sugar. However, dietary supplements, such as sikavica granules, are certainly recommended and welcome help in the prevention of the development (or further development) of diseases and other conditions. In the case when granulate is taken because of fatty liver, we would single out 3 important items that should be taken into account: (1) the person's weight (persons with a larger body mass must take a larger amount of granulate in a daily dose than the one normally recommended on the declaration as preventive dose; when curative, doses are increased), (2) liver parameters and (3) severity of disease/condition. There are many factors that affect health at the same time - from diet, supplements, stress, regular exercise, hormonal system, regular sleep, way and pace of life... It is important to be aware of all these factors so that you do not falter or remain disappointed, if the products , which you take as dietary supplements, after two courses do not (pro)act the way you imagined. It takes a minimum of three weeks for milk thistle to start working, so that the best results can be achieved through at least two months of continuous intake (depending on the recommended doses). But, of course, every organism is different and every condition is different. It is therefore important to take into account all the mentioned parameters and, in addition to nutritional supplements (with the possible use of conventional drugs or/and diet recommended by doctors and pharmacists!), try to lead as high a quality life as possible on all fronts so that the results (long-term, not short-term) !) were more visible.

6. How are MILK THISTLE GRANULATE and milk thistle tea different?

The silymarin complex (silybin, silycristin and silidiaze) is found only in the milk thistle seed, more precisely in the membrane of the seed, and not in its interior, which on the other hand contains certain fibers and oil. So, the seeds are the only real usable part of the plant. This means that oil is obtained by pressing the seeds, while the fibers and the membrane itself remain. In this way, it's as if we cut the seed in half" and took from it - silymarin on the one hand, and oil on the other. Considering that absolutely not all the oil can be extracted from a single seed, some oil will remain in the membrane, but it is precisely this small percentage of oil that is of key importance for better absorption and activity of silymarin in the body. Simply put, without a certain amount of fat, silymarin will be inactive, that is, its bioavailability will drop sharply. That's why in the process of extracting silymarin, we use pure mechanical extraction, which has managed to preserve all the nutrients of this fantastic plant - i.e. a very high dose of silymarin in its most natural form (obtained from the membrane itself), a certain part of the fibers and, on top of all that, a little oil (fat) that they help him to be and stay active. That's why pure raw, uncrystallized granulate is the best possible way to get complete absorption of silymarin. Comparing this form with milk thistle herbal tea, unfortunately, due to the use of high temperature and water as a solvent, a large part of the properties of this fantastic plant is lost in tea.

7. How does MILK THISTLE GRANULATE differ from encapsulated silymarin?

The silymarin complex (silybin, silycristin and silidiaze) is found only in the sikava seed, more precisely in the membrane of the seed, and not in its interior, which on the other hand contains certain fibers and oil. So, the seeds are the only real usable part of the plant. This means that oil is obtained by pressing the seeds, while the fibers and the membrane itself remain. In this way, it is as if we "cut the seed in half" and took from it - silymarin on one side, and oil on the other. Since it is not possible to extract absolutely all the oil from a single seed, some oil will remain in the membrane, but it is precisely this small percentage of oil that is of key importance for better absorption and activity of silymarin in the body. Simply put, without a certain amount of fat, silymarin will be inactive, that is, its bioavailability will drop sharply. That's why in the process of extracting silymarin, we use pure mechanical extraction, which has managed to preserve all the nutrients of this fantastic plant - i.e. a very high dose of silymarin in its most natural form (obtained from the membrane itself), a certain part of the fibers and, on top of all that, a little oil (fat) that they help him to be and stay active. That's why pure raw, uncrystallized granulate is the best possible way to get complete absorption of silymarin.

Comparing such a form (which is also the best possible way to obtain complete absorption of silymarin) with the encapsulated form, unfortunately, we have to say that we are convinced that there is a huge difference, in favor of the non-crystallized form, primarily because, unfortunately, there is a high probability of additives other chemical compounds or flavor enhancers, and for the reason that the dose in a monopreparation (one capsule) - even twice as high - never works as well as a natural complex composed of dozens of herbal active substances, all of which are necessary in order for the effect on the organism to be optimal or absolutely. What we want to say is the following: one uncrystallized sikavic granule contains silymarin, but also fibers, vitamins, minerals and the most important thing - oil, its natural oil which is extremely important for the absorption of silymarin in the body (the term is well known in the pharmaceutical industry insufficient absorption of silymarin in the body, which causes a lot of problems for manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry). One tablet of silymarin in a high monodose per day cannot do its job optimally, because the "half-life" of silymarin in the body lasts approximately 4 to 6 hours, after which it is excreted. For example, if you take 240 mg of silymarin in one dose, you will actually use 100 mg of silymarin, and you will throw the rest out, and the effect on the liver will last 4 to 6 hours. But, if we take a dose of silymarin in granules divided into two or three times a day, with an interval of 6 to 8 hours, we ensure continuous action of silymarin and recovery and regeneration - both of the liver and, consequently, of the entire organism throughout the day. Therefore, as we have already stated, we are aware of the fact that the completely raw granulate in itself has an unpleasant and slightly earthy taste, however, precisely for the reasons mentioned, pharmaceutical forms do not represent a pure and completely natural form of silymarin, which is only possible in non-crystallized form.

8. How does MILK THISTLE GRANULATE differ from cold-pressed milk thistle oil?

The power of milk thistle granules is hidden in the complete silymarin complex, which comes in raw, non-crystallized form, and it is known to help efficiently restore damaged hepatocytes (liver cells) and keep them healthy for a long time. Silymarin is even 10 times stronger antioxidant than vitamin E. In addition to protecting the body's cells from oxidative shock, silymarin increases by 35% the level of another important antioxidant - glutathione, which is responsible for cleaning the liver of toxins, which enables the liver to clean the blood, activates dopamine receptors and forms the basis of the healthy production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Milk thistle granules, in addition to containing the complete silymarin complex (silybin, silycristin and silydiase), also contain minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper), essential amino acids (vanillin, arginine, lysine and leucine), flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin K, fiber. Silymarin, which is found exclusively in the milk thistle SEEDS (in the seed coat), indicates that the seeds are the only real usable part of the plant. By pressing the seeds, we get oil, and what remains are the fibers and membrane of the seeds, from which we extract the raw granulate. We can imagine that in this way we "cut the seed in half" and took from it - silymarin on the one hand, and oil on the other. Considering that absolutely not all the oil can be extracted from a single seed, some oil will remain in the membrane, but it is precisely this small percentage of oil that is of key importance for better absorption and activity of silymarin in the body. Simply put, without a certain amount of fat, silymarin will be INACTIVE, that is, its bioavailability will drop sharply. That's why in the process of extracting silymarin, we use pure mechanical extraction, which has managed to preserve all the nutrients of this fantastic plant:

• a very high dose of silymarin obtained from the membrane itself,
• a certain part of the fibers i
• a little oil (fat) for the activity of silymarin.

Milk thistle granules are taken daily in the recommended dose of 10 g, which can be divided into two 5 g doses. One package of milk thistle granules contains 250 g of granules, which is enough for 25 days, or longer if the granules are taken every other day. There is also no need to take a break for milk thistle granulate, so it can be taken continuously throughout the year. Milk thistle oil contains omega acids and vitamin E, the mechanism of action of which is based on strong so milk thistle oil is a dietary supplement that provides antioxidant protection and gentle cleansing of the liver. Given that cold-pressed milk thistle oil consists of very large amounts of vitamin E (50 mg / 100 g) and has a very significant antioxidant effect, that is, it provides antioxidant protection of cells in the body, and chemically it contains slightly less silymarin than pure milk thistle granules ( this means that the oil takes much longer to clean and regenerate the liver), we recommend taking milk thistle oil:

• for external application against wrinkles
• for stronger firmness and elasticity of the skin
• for an anti-aging effect because it protects the skin by supporting its renewal
• in the treatment of atypical eczema
• in psoriasis
• in other skin diseases (e.g. pressure ulcers, atopic dermatitis...)

Use: in addition to external application of the oil, sikava oil is taken one teaspoon before a meal.

9. Is MILK THISTLE GRANULATE the same as ground milk thistle seeds?

Milk thistle granules and milk thistle seeds are not the same, and the difference is hidden in
because the seeds themselves have much less silymarin than what is obtained in the granulate, since one teaspoon of the granulate is
of silymarin equivalent to approximately 15 full teaspoons of ground seeds.

10. I already drink black cumin oil. How can I combine black cumin oil and MILK THISTLE GRANULATE?

Both products can be taken one after the other, although we recommend that cumin be taken after a meal so that it does not fall heavily on the stomach.

Cold pressed black cumin oil is taken one teaspoon 2-3 times during the day, for:
ꟷ persons up to 75 kg: two teaspoons of oil per day, on two occasions before meals
ꟷ persons over 75 kg: three teaspoons of oil per day, on three occasions before meals

It would certainly be desirable and necessary to take the granulate on an empty stomach for better absorption of silymarin. However, for all those who are bothered by its slightly earthy taste, the granulate can also be mixed into something milky (preferably yogurt or cream, but never milk!) because lactic acids improve the absorption and bioactivity of silymarin in the body.

The recommended daily dose of granules is 10 g, which can be halved twice during the day by 5 g each.

11. Can MILK THISTLE GRANULATE be taken with antidepressants?

A depressed and destructive state of consciousness often occurs due to
chronic blood poisoning with ammonia, and ammonia is produced by the liver when its proper function of detoxification and excretion of ammonia from the body is prevented, and as its level in the blood increases chronically, it begins to affect the psychophysical state more and more, causing numerous health dysfunctions. Thus, ammonia is a powerful neurotoxin and the higher its level in the brain and nervous tissue, the more it irritates them, and the ability of the human mind leads to a complete blockage. Ammonia is naturally reduced when the function of the liver improves and its tissue regenerates, so it is for these reasons that sikavica granulate is recommended, which has an extremely beneficial and healing effect on the liver. Regular and correct intake of granules can significantly improve liver function and regulate fat metabolism, but the most important thing is that it will also improve mood.

In cases of depression and anxiety, it is permissible to take the granulate up to 3 times a day (15 g in total), in the morning on an empty stomach, whisk one teaspoon (5 g) in a little whey, yogurt or kefir and eat it, repeat the same during lunch and the last thing in the evening before going to bed . It is necessary to take the granules continuously for a minimum of one month.

Consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking.

12. Can MILK THISTLE GRANULATE be taken if a person has only one kidney?

People who have only one kidney can freely take granulate, but if they are taking medication, they should consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking it.

13. Can MILK THISTLE GRANULATE be taken if a person has a gallbladder removed?

People who have had their gallbladder removed are free to take granulate, but if they are taking medication, they should consult with their doctor or pharmacist before taking it.

14. Smije li se GRANULAT SIKAVICE koristiti, ako osoba ima kamenac u žuči?

Priča između silimarina i žučnog kamenca je dvojaka, od izrazito pozitivnih benefita do rizika koji u ovom slučaju postoji, ali u vrlo malom postotku. Silimarin se koristi pretežno za podršku zdravlju jetre, jer ima antioksidativna i antiupalna svojstva koja će pomoći u zaštiti jetre od oštećenja i poboljšanju njenog funkcionalnog kapaciteta.
Redovna upotreba silimarina iz granulata sikavice može imati zaštitni efekt i na žučni mjehur, smanjujući rizik od daljeg stvaranja kamenaca i poboljšavajući odlazak žuči, što smanjuje stagnaciju žuči u žučnom mjehuru. Međutim, u teoriji, svaka hrana, biljka ili dodatak prehrani koja potiče protok žuči može potencijalno izazvati pokretanje kamenca. Iako je taj rizik relativno nizak, on ipak postoji kod osoba koje već imaju kamence, čak i ako nisu imale simptome do tog trenutka. Silimarin generalno ne izaziva aktivaciju žučnih kamenaca, ali zbog njegovog potencijala da potakne protok žuči, postoji mali rizik da se postojeći kamenac, čak i asimptomatski, pokrene i izazove simptome ili blokadu. Naša preporuka je stoga uzimati po jednu čajnu žličicu (5 g) granulata dnevno. S obzirom na navedene prednosti i rizike, odluku oko konzumacije granulata prepuštamo svakom pojedincu naosob. U svakom slučaju, preporučujemo se dodatno savjetovati i s dežurnim liječnikom.

14. I'm taking MILK THISTLE GRANULATE and I've been feeling a little bloated since I've been taking it daily. Is this normal?

Given that sikavica granulate is full of insoluble fibers, it is possible that in some people the fibers slow down digestion, that is, they work by "collecting" water in the body, which can consequently lead to mild bloating. However, this is not a concern. Over time, such a situation should calm down and normalize. However, in order to remove such disturbances as soon as possible, it is necessary to drink larger amounts of water during the day. We would like to point out that in this case it is an individual feature, but there should certainly not be an extremely large flatulence such as, for example, caused by legumes. In that case, we definitely recommend that you contact us!

Otherwise, arm yourself with just a little patience and good will and reach for health the way nature intended it.

15. How long can MILK THISTLE GRANULATE be taken? Should you take a break from drinking?

According to pharmacological studies, silymarin is accepted as a safe herbal product, since the use of physiological doses of silymarin is not toxic except in the case of improper use of therapeutic doses. Sikavica is therefore considered safe for a long period of use. It is not necessary to take a break for sikavica granulate, but it can be taken continuously throughout the year without the need to take a break. Its active substances do not accumulate in the tissue, so it cannot be "overdosed", i.e. the granulate is not toxic. Sikavica does not have a prolonged effect and there is no "habituation" of the liver / organism to sikavica. It takes approximately three weeks to achieve the optimal effect of sikavica, but it also takes several weeks for its effect to start to wane after stopping taking it.

In the case when sikavica granulate is taken exclusively for the purpose of detoxifying the body, two packages of sikavica granulate are sufficient on average, after which a longer break can be taken.

16. I have been consuming MILK THISTLE GRANULATE for a long time to detoxify the body. Can I now replace MILK THISTLE GRANULATE with cold-pressed milk thistle oil?

Milk thistle granules and milk thistle oil are two completely different products, although both are made from milk thistle seeds. The difference is that the milk thistle granulate contains much more silymarin than the oil, as well as soluble and insoluble fibers. That's why milk thistle granulate is always recommended as a much better choice than cold-pressed milk thistle oil for the purpose of detoxifying the body, cleaning the liver and the whole organism (insoluble fibers clean the intestines, while soluble fibers clean blood vessels). Milk thistle oil, on the other hand, contains omega acids and vitamin E, whose mechanism of action is based on strong antioxidant protection of cells in the body. So sycamore oil is a dietary supplement that provides antioxidant protection and gentle cleansing of the liver (oil takes much longer to clean and regenerate the liver).

17. When should cold-pressed sikavica oil be taken along with sikavica granulate?

Although the sika granule contains most of the nutrients that are necessary for health, sometimes it is desirable to take additional sika oil because of the specific ingredients that the oil has (for example, in case of psoriasis). Sikavica HPU is rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the immune system, skin and overall health of the organism.

Feel free to contact us for advice if you are not sure whether you should take it with sikavic granulate and HPU sikavic. :)

18. Is the SIKAVICA plant the same as thistle?

Sikavica (Silybum marianum) is one of the best plants for liver protection and detoxification. Sikavica, however, is often mistakenly identified with thistle. They are very similar plants that come from the Asteraceae family, but they are not the same plants.

19. Is SIKAVICE GRANULATE taken only curatively or can it also be preventive?

It would be best and most desirable to take sikavica granulate preventively, but of course, it can certainly be taken curatively when possible (with regard to prescribed medications) and necessary! Namely, the main active ingredient of sikavica - silymarin, increases the level of glutathione, i.e. the so-called "master" of antioxidants in the human body by as much as 35%! Since the lack of glutathione in the body is an extremely important trigger during the formation of the disease, and its largest and most important synthesis takes place precisely in the liver, the silymarin complex from sikavica plays an important role in preserving glutathione, the level of which decreases due to the influence of toxins, poor-quality food, stress, drugs , trauma, aging and infection, exhausts us every day, just like our liver. Therefore, prevention is one of the best ways to keep our liver as healthy as possible. For preventive action, take two teaspoons (total of 10 g) of sikavica granules per day, in the morning on an empty stomach, whisk one teaspoon (5 g) in a little whey, yogurt or kefir and eat, repeat the same in the evening last before going to bed, for three weeks continuously. Preventive treatments are carried out seasonally, at the transition of the seasons.

20. Does SIKAVICE GRANULATE have any side effects that may occur?

Side effects of taking silymarin from sycamore can appear as generally mild digestive problems: gas in the intestines, fullness in the stomach (bloating), loss of appetite. Itching of the skin may also occur. If any of the side effects occur, be sure to reduce (halve the dose) and feel free to continue taking sikavica granulate. If the situation does not improve, we definitely recommend that you contact us!

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