Macerate 11 peppermints in sikavice oil 200ml
Macerate 11 peppermints in sikavice oil 200ml
Peppermint in sycamore oil / for normal bile function
Maticnjak Bestsellers, Plant extracts, Sikavica,
Oil macerate of peppermint (Mentha x piperita) in 100% cold-pressed sycamore oil (Silybum marianum).
Dry matter represents 20% of the macerate by volume; 1:5 volume shares.
One teaspoon before meals (2-3 times a day)
Method of storage and notes
Method of storage and notes
Storage method: In a dark and cool place up to 20 °C
Notes: Not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age
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Delivery to HR and EU
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Delivery price: €3.98
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Macerat 11 is an oil preparation in which peppermint is immersed in sikava oil, for normal bile function in the most natural way.
For six weeks, peppermint is soaked in cold-pressed sycamore oil, which "binds" its medicinal properties. The dried parts of this plant amount 20% volume share of macerata.
By taking two teaspoons a day, you get the best from the synergy of carefully selected herbs and sycamore oil - an ideal natural and non-aggressive solution for normal bile function.
What science says
Sikavica - this plant with its silymarin is a rich source of vitamin E and is excellent for detoxifying the body, which is important for normal bile function. (1) In addition to the fact that sycamore oil helps the liver (2), thereby indirectly preventing the formation of gallstones, it also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. (3)
Peppermint - Essential oil and flavonoids from peppermint leaves (4) have a special effect on the formation and secretion of bile (5), and menthol is also secreted, which acts as a disinfectant (antiseptic). (6)
1. Khazaei R, Seidavi A, Bouyeh M. A review on the mechanisms of the effect of silymarin in milk thistle (Silybum marianum) on some laboratory animals. Vet Med Sci. 2022 Jan;8(1):289-301. doi: 10.1002/vms3.641. Epub 2021 Oct 2. PMID: 34599793; PMCID: PMC8788984.
2. Gillessen A, Schmidt HH. Silymarin as Supportive Treatment in Liver Diseases: A Narrative Review. Adv Ther. 2020 Apr;37(4):1279-1301. doi: 10.1007/s12325-020-01251-y. Epub 2020 Feb 17. PMID: 32065376; PMCID: PMC7140758.
3. Lovelace ES, Wagoner J, MacDonald J, Bammler T, Bruckner J, Brownell J, Beyer RP, Zink EM, Kim YM, Kyle JE, Webb-Robertson BJ, Waters KM, Metz TO, Farin F, Oberlies NH, Polyak SJ. Silymarin Suppresses Cellular Inflammation By Inducing Reparative Stress Signaling. J Nat Prod. 2015 Aug 28;78(8):1990-2000. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00288. Epub 2015 Jul 17. PMID: 26186142; PMCID: PMC4703094.
4. McKay DL, Blumberg JB. A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of peppermint tea (Mentha piperita L.). Phytother Res. 2006 Aug;20(8):619-33. doi: 10.1002/ptr.1936. PMID: 16767798.
5. Hsouna AB, Touj N, Hammami I, Dridi K, Al-Ayed AS, Hamdi N. Chemical Composition and In vivo Efficacy of the Essential Oil of Mentha piperita L. in the Suppression of Crown Gall Disease on Tomato Plants. J Oil Sci. 2019 May 1;68(5):419-426. doi: 10.5650/jos.ess18261. Epub 2019 Mar 13. PMID:30867394.
6. Rajinder Singh, Muftah A.M. Shushni, Asma Belkheir, Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Mentha piperita L., Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 322-328, ISSN 1878-5352.
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
Usage: One teaspoon before meals (2-3 times a day)
Storage method: In a dark and cool place up to 20 °C
Notes: Not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age
Plants and their unique properties can help us with various ailments. It is up to us to use this medicinal plant in the best possible way.
We can pour hot water over it or boil it in it to get the so-called decoction, infusion or simply tea, and we can soak the same herbs in alcohol and get the so-called tinctures. The third way of extracting the active medicinal principles of the "soul" of the plant itself is the production of oil macerates.
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- MACERAT 11 - peppermint for normal bile function
Are you interested in more about the product or would you like to learn more about medicinal plants and their use?
send product inquiry or arrange a free consultation at the phytotherapist Ivo Bačlije , founder of the Matičnjak brand and creator of our macerates.

100% love, 0% chemistry
Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
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from 926 reviewsUlje je savršeno. Izlječila sam alergiju, ne zalječila, nego izlječila. Bradavica na peti velika ko novčić 5 centi je nestala u roku tjedan dana namakanjem na blzinici 24 sata.
Bradavica na kapku ( mala) otpala u tri dana višekratnim dnevnim mazanjem.
Veliki atenom veličine lješnjaka natapanjem 8 dana danonoćno iscurio i zacijelio. Izbjegla sam te dvije operacije (atenom i bradavica).
Sin pio ulje protiv osipa na guzi i mazao, sve nestalo.
Ovo je panaceja - svelijek.
Kolegica na poslu izbjegla operaciju, natapala na dnevni uložak danima neku izraslinu i izbjegla operaciju, inače joj se ta izraslina vraća i prethodno je imala 3 ili 4 operacije.
Mlađi sin kad nisam imala mast za herpes po mojoj poreporuci namazao ovim uljem više puta dnevno i za dva dana mu se povukao herpes.
Čudo od ulja. Toplo ga preporučam za sve. Odmoć neće, samo može pomoći.
Lp, Anita.

Odlican! Nastavit cu ga i dalje koristit, uz potrebne pauze izmedju ciklusa. Vjerujem da ce i analize krvi potvrditi kako se i osjecam.

Najbolji ikad proban proizvod. Ovaj moisturizer mi daje luksuz da mogu iskaliti svu svoju jad na licu, jer znam da će mi ovaj serum napraviti čarloliju i izlječiti sve moje nepodopštine već sljedeći dan ;)
Sve preporuke.

Prezadovoljna sam vašim proizvodom Sikavicom. Pogodno mi utjecala na jetru, a trbuh mi se ispuhao. Nema više nadutosti. Lagano ju koristim s jogurtom.

Već pri prvom konzumiranju vaših proizvoda,osjećam olakšanje u organizmu. Najviše mi pomaže granulat sikavice, kojeg konzumiram u kefiru ( probala sam u voćnom soku ali je slaba topljivost). Dugo smo korisnici vaših proizvoda, koje smo kupovali u ljekarnama.Najviše prešanih ulja. Sada su nam granulati i mljeveni proizvodi otkriće. Volila bi probati i vašu liniju za njegu lica.
Lijepi pozdrav.

Dragi Matičnjak, Vaše ulje crnog kima je najbolje koje sam probala i godinama ga koristim. Svaka pohvala i lijepo je da postoje ljudi koji istražuju i shvaćaju da je lijek iz Prirode najbolji!

Najbolja stvar ikad koju sam koristila za lice, a koristila sam prije toga proizvode i od Vichy-a i La roche-a.
Plus serum s vitaminom C koji sam apsolutno svima preporučila jer nema boljeg.

Izvrstan proizvod, pomaže 100% kod alergija. Uzimam ga svaki dan 1 žličicu poslije ručka uz čašu vode. Ja sam osobno prezadovoljan.

Crni kim je izvrsna stvar, pijem ga već dugo i kao prevenciju i kao suportivnu terapiju za karcinom. Pomogao mi je oko tegoba i preporučila bih ga svima. Matičnjak, bravo!

Izvrstan proizvod, konzumiramo ga godinama…klinac ne mora piti terapiju za alergiju

Jako dobra maska, ostavlja lice mekim i zaglađenim.

Napokon top proizvod za kožu...melem...divan osjećaj na koži..nahrani je a nije masna...Bravo💕💯

Prezadovoljna sam vašim proizvodima, koristim Triple CBD liniju i vitamin c serum. Sviđa mi se miris i osjećaj koji ostavlja na licu, a koža je čista, mekana i izgledam svježe!!!

Odličan med, klinci ga obožavaju, ovu zimu nijednom na antibiotiku.

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