Sikavica granules is a completely natural product from the seeds (fruit) of sikaca with up to 140 mg of silymarin in 10 grams of sikavicina granulate. It is a natural source of vitamin E.
All our blood passes through the liver 8 times a day. A good and functioning liver guarantees that the blood will be cleaned even of neurotoxins like ammonia. In this way, the dopamine receptors that are essential for the production of serotonin remain clean. hormone of happiness .
Pure mechanical processing (extraction) we have preserved all the nutrients of this fantastic plant and with only two teaspoons a day you have a completely natural source of the highest quality silymarin.
The raw form of sikavica in the form of granules was chosen because it does not contain allergens, additives, preservatives and artificial colors. Produced with 100% love, 0% chemistry . Fresh and 100% natural. Gluten-free.
More about sikavica on the blog: Sikavica - guardian of our liver
Silimarin - What science says
- Sikavica contains a group of herbal substances known as the silymarin complex and is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity (1,2,3).
- They are regularly used as complementary therapy by people who have liver damage due to conditions such as alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis (4,5,6). Also can help liver damage caused by more serious diseases (7,8,9,10).
- Sikavica can be useful as complementary therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes (11). It has recently been confirmed that people who routinely took sycamore experienced significant lowering of blood sugar and HbA1c (12).
- Cause of antioxidant and strong anti-inflammatory effect sikavica can be a useful dietary supplement for people with acne. The study showed that people who took silymarin every day for 8 weeks reduced the number of acne lesions by as much as 53% (13).
- Sikavica promotes bone mineralization and a group of bone tissue loss (14,15). Researchers are testing whether therapy can be beneficial in determining bone loss in menopausal women (16,17).
- Sikavica can help prevent the decline of brain functions related to aging (18,19).
Find references to scientific works on the effect of the ingredients of this product HERE.
+Information and statements are for educational purposes and should not replace your doctor's advice.
Sikavica i insulin resistance
Insulin resistance is a condition in which the cells of the body (mainly muscle cells) become less sensitive to the action of insulin, the hormone that regulates the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Insulin is crucial for the process of transferring sugar from the bloodstream into the cells where it is used as a source of energy. When cells become less sensitive to the effects of insulin, they cannot absorb glucose efficiently, leading to intermittently elevated blood sugar levels. Because of this, the pancreas produces more insulin to try to reduce the blood sugar level, and if these conditions of occasionally elevated blood sugar values become frequent, it can lead to exhaustion of the pancreas. Years of excess insulin in the body will then have a whole series of harmful and undesirable consequences. Insulin resistance is not only a condition that can precede type 2 diabetes, but can also lead to other health problems, including thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, low testosterone, high triglycerides, gout, and more.
A review of research suggests sycamore and its main active ingredient silymarin as a promising aid in the treatment of insulin resistance (1).
1. Karla MacDonald-Ramos, Layla Michán, Alejandra Martínez-Ibarra, Marco Cerbón,
Silymarin is an ally against insulin resistance: A review, Annals of Hepatology, Volume 23,
2021, 100255, ISSN 1665-2681, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aohep.2020.08.072. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1665268120301708)
Questions and Answers
Find the most frequently asked questions and answers on the blog - SIKAVICA Q & A
Savings in bundle packages
Sikavica granules are an indispensable part of Matičnjak dedicated product packages recommended by phytotherapists Ive Bačlije :
- HEALTHY LIVER package for the protection of the key organ for the proper functioning of the organism with sikavica, black cumin and hemp
- DETOX package with three preparations that make an excellent cure
- ANTIPARAZIT package phytotherapy protocol
PREMIUM package with 4 medicinal plants in the Matičnjak bestsellers
- HEALTHY PANCREAS package with black cumin, fenugreek and fenugreek as natural helpers
SLIM package it provides a sufficient amount of energy and nutrients that will keep you full, while providing enough calories and nutrients
- ENERGY package abundant amount of energy

100% love, 0% chemistry
Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!
For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.
Can't find your medicinal herb? - Ask a phytotherapist .
Povezani proizvodi
Honey Hepta sana 250g
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HEALTHY LIVER package - recommended by phytotherapist Iva Bačlija
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