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ALLERGY package

ALLERGY package

Regular price 62,55 €
Regular price 69,50 € Sale price 62,55 €
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Dietary supplements to fight allergies in the most natural way

Black cumin, Maticnjak Bestsellers, Packages and healthy food, Packages and promotions,


There are 3 products in the package:

​​​​​​• Nigella honey 250g
• Fenugreek Plus 250g
• Black cumin oil 500ml



▪ Functional Nigella honey
Take twice a day, one teaspoon at a time, not related to a meal; it is important to drink some water after taking the preparation

▪ Fenugreek Plus
One teaspoon (5g) 2 times a day before meals. It can be taken alone for better absorption or mixed into juice, yogurt, kefir or a glass of water.

▪ Black cumin oil
- Children from 2 years of age: take twice a day, "a drop per kilogram", mix in a little thick juice or honey.
- People up to 75 kg: two teaspoons of oil per day, spread over two occasions before meals
- People over 75 kg: three teaspoons of oil per day, spread over three occasions before meals

🌱 Recommendation:
Cold-pressed black cumin oil and functional honey "Nigella" / "Nigella Junior" (for children) should be taken already in winter and throughout the allergy season.

Method of storage and notes

In a dark and dry place up to 25 °C

Delivery to HR and EU

Delivery 1-3 working days

Delivery price: €3.98

Free delivery within the Republic of Croatia for orders over €40

Delivery abroad:

- Germany €8 / 3-4 days
- Austria €8 / 3-4 days
- Slovenia €5 / 1-2 days
- Sweden €10 / 4-6 days
- Belgium €10 / 4-5 days
- Czech Republic €8 / 3-4 days
- Denmark €10 / 5-6 days
- France €10 / 5-6 days
- Greece €16 / 6-7 days
- Ireland €10 / 5-6 days
- Italy €10 / 4-5 days
- Hungary €8 / 1-2 days
- Netherlands 10€ /
4-5 days
- Poland €10 / 3-4 days
- Slovakia €8 / 3-4 days
- Spain €10 / 5-6 days

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ALLERGY package  presents together all the phytochemicals and nutritional elements from medicinal plants, honey and cold-pressed oils that, according to the pharmacopoeia and our experience, help when treating allergy symptoms. 


The action of these preparations, made with 100% love and 0% chemistry , is complementary and recommended by phytotherapist Iva Bačlija

With Nigella

Functional Nigella honey from the Croatian pastures of the Žumberački Mountains with the addition of black cumin seeds contains the most common allergens from weeds, grass and trees, so this honey becomes functional ( also available for the youngest - Nigella Junior with the addition of hazelnuts for better taste )

Piskavica Plus

Fenugreek Plus contains the fenugreek plant, which is the richest natural plant source of iron (33mg / 100g). Iron forms an important basis of good immunity. 

In this careful blend you will also find sikavica, turmeric, sown oats and dried black grape skins.

Black cumin oil

Black cumin oil , in addition to having a very favorable composition of unsaturated fatty acids for health, using black cumin oil, thymoquinone (essential oil in the composition of black cumin seeds) and its derivatives are introduced into the body in a natural form.  

100% love, 0% chemistry

Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!

For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.

Can't find your medicinal herb? - Ask a phytotherapist .


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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Zerina Pitarević


Maja Marković


Daliborka Barbir


Mila Anzur

Više od 10 godina koristim vaše proizvode,ne da sam zadovoljna,ja sam prezadovoljna,vi ste neko kome u potpunosti vjerujem kada kažete da su svi vaši proizvodi prirodni,jer sam se u to uvjerila,izuzetno sam sretna što mogu koristiti i dalje vaše vhunske proizvode, počevši od raznih hladno prešanih ulja,funkcionalnih medova,piskavice i da ne nabrajam,svima bih preporučila i preporučujem vaše proizvode kao preventivu,ali i kao lijek protiv raznih bolesti,želim vam sve najbolje i da nam još dugo ,dugo omogućujete korištenje ovih vaših odličnih proizvoda, Mirjana Mila Anzur

Danijel Pavlović


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