terms of business


The business conditions that apply every time you buy through our web shop are explained in more detail below and are valid for all Matičnjak Web Shop Customers. Any adult who accepts our business terms and conditions can be our Customer, and we ask that you read them carefully before purchasing, as they explain everything about the purchase in detail.



Copyright and other intellectual property rights on this page and its content (including design, text, logos, names and other material) are owned by us or our partners. It is not allowed to publish, copy, distribute any part of the site, except for private purposes. Any other use is strictly prohibited without our written permission.

You may not reproduce or use in any way logos or brand names that appear on the site.

We may use any information you provide to us on our site and may provide it to a third party upon request.

We try to ensure that the images of the products on the site are as faithful as possible to the original, but there is always the possibility of a difference in the shade of color between the products in reality and in the images.


All prices are expressed in Euros (€) in the gross amount, and include VAT 5% and 25%.
We can change the prices at any time. If the price changes at the time the order is placed, we will inform you whether you accept the price change. Any conditions proposed by you will have no effect and will not be taken into account.

Any changes or variations in the contract must be approved by us in writing. In the case of promotional actions, special conditions may also appear.


The customer has the option of paying cash on delivery or by credit card. Supported credit cards are: VISA, Maestro®, MasterCard, Diners (ERSTE). We must receive payment before any shipment can be sent. You may use the card only if you are the owner of it. By confirming the order, you confirm that you are also the owner of the card. If the card issuer does not approve the payment, we will not accept your order and will not be responsible for its non-delivery.


During the processing of the shipment, the Customer receives a notification by e-mail about the status of his shipment, which is together with the issued invoice, the Agreement, which contains the general conditions. If we do not have enough products in stock, we will inform you about this and the monetary transaction will be canceled and your account will not be debited. We will make the refund as soon as possible, no later than 30 days.


The ordered items are sent by a convenient parcel service. The seller (Matičnjak d.o.o.) will choose the shipping method that he considers to be the best. Delivery is made according to the terms and conditions of the particular parcel service. All orders received on working days (Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.) will be processed immediately. Orders received after 12:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays will be processed on the first next working day.

The cost of delivery is for all orders over €40.00 / HRK 301.38, which were made through our official www.maticnjakshop.com online stores, free of charge for the whole of Croatia. The cost of delivery for orders less than €40.00 / HRK 301.38 is €3.98 / HRK 30.00 for the whole of Croatia. Shipping prices for certain countries of the European Union are highlighted on the pages www.maticnjakshop.com and they contain the corresponding VAT.

Read more details about delivery conditions at the following link: https://maticnjakshop.com/pages/delivery.


Pursuant to Art. 10, paragraph 3 of the Act on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette", No. 41/14), we inform consumers that they can submit a complaint expressing their dissatisfaction with the purchased product or service in writing by mail to the address: Matičnjak d.o.o. , dr. Franje Tuđmana street 10 or to the e-mail address: prodaja@matičnjak.hr.
We will respond to the consumer's written complaint in writing no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, so please provide us with your contact address for the delivery of the response in your complaint.


The customer has the right to exchange or return goods, in case of delivery of goods that have material defects. More details can be found at the following link: https://maticnjakshop.com/pages/dostava.

Material defects according to Art. 57. st.12. we deal with the Law on Consumer Protection in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Obligatory Relations.

In the case of damage that occurred during transport, when it is visible on the packaging or immediately after opening the packaging, it is necessary to report it immediately to the courier when picking up the shipment or subsequently to the Seller (within 24 hours) by e-mail: info@maticnjak.hr.


The customer has the right to exchange or return the goods within 15 days in the following cases: 
- delivery of goods not ordered 
- delivery of goods that have a fault or damage that did not occur during transport
- the right to return without giving a reason 

The seller will approve the exchange or return of the goods to the buyer after receiving a justified complaint by e-mail, telephone or in writing (with instructions for returning the goods). In case of inability to deliver other goods, the Seller will compensate the Buyer for the value of the goods that he is no longer able to deliver.

The costs of returning the product are borne by the Customer.

The buyer is obliged to return the delivered products in the condition in which they were delivered to him and in the original packaging (commercial packaging in which the goods were delivered) with the receipt.


According to Article 57, paragraph 1, point 8 of the Consumer Protection Act, the buyer or the consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the sales contract within 14 days from the day of receipt of goods (delivery of goods), without giving reasons, and to submit the termination to in writing before the expiration of the term for unilateral termination to the address of the Seller: Matičnjak d.o.o., Šetališe dr. Franje Tuđmana 10 or to the e-mail address: prodaja@matičnjak.hr.

In order to be able to exercise the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, you must notify us of your decision to unilaterally terminate the Agreement before the expiration of the term by an unequivocal statement sent by mail, fax or e-mail, in which you will state your name, address, telephone number, fax or e-mail address.

We will send you a confirmation of receipt of the notice of unilateral termination of the contract without delay by email.

Refund of the paid amount

If this Agreement is unilaterally terminated, we will refund the money we have received, without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day we received the decision on unilateral termination of the agreement and received the returned goods.

The refund will be made through the bank account provided to us by you as a customer. In the event that another method of refund of the amount paid is agreed, no costs shall be incurred in relation to the refund.

We can issue a refund only after the goods have been returned to us and if everything is in order with the returned goods. 

The direct costs of returning the goods are borne by the Consumer himself.

The consumer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, except for that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.


The contract between the Buyer and the Seller will be stored at the headquarters of Matičnjak Web Shop. One copy of this contract will be received by the Buyer when confirming the order by e-mail. We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice. We are not responsible for any wrong picture, incorrect information in the product description, wrong price or product availability. The contract is subject to the Croatian judiciary and both parties agree that in the event of objections, the Croatian court is competent to resolve them.


When paying by card on our web store, use CorvusPay - an advanced system for securely accepting payment cards via the Internet.

The CorvusPay system ensures complete secrecy of your card and personal data from the moment you enter them in the CorvusPay payment form. Payment data is transmitted encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our store never comes into contact with complete information about your payment card. Also, the data is inaccessible even to employees of the CorvusPay system. An isolated core independently transfers and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure.

The form for entering payment data is secured with an SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay meets all the requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by the leading card brands, that is, it operates in accordance with the norm - PCI DSS Level 1 - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, your bank, in addition to the validity of the card itself, also confirms your identity using a token or password.

CorvusPay considers all collected information confidential and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely safe, and its privacy is guaranteed by the most modern protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the performance of work are collected in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment.

The security controls and operational procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the immediate reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and planned implementation of provisions on information security, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.