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DETOX package

DETOX package

Regular price 62,10 €
Regular price 69,00 € Sale price 62,10 €
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When you decide on a "clean start", be sure to reach for the best solutions from nature

Maticnjak Bestsellers, Packages and promotions, Sikavica,


There are 3 products in the package:

Hemp oil 500ml
Sikavica granules 250g
Macerate 13 - 250ml

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• Hemp oil
One teaspoon 2-3 times a day, it is suitable for daily use on its own before meals

Food supplement thanks to its mild, pleasant taste. Cold-pressed oil can be a real gourmet challenge - it is excellent in salads, meals with rice and other cereals, you can add it to sauces, spreads, mayonnaise...

• Sikavic granulate
One teaspoon 2 times a day, can be chewed on its own for better absorption (one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and one teaspoon in the evening before going to bed).

As an addition to regular meals, we can mix it into a glass of water, yogurt, fruit juice, cereal, rice or potato porridge. The daily recommended amount (10g) can be divided into several meals.

• Macerate 13
One teaspoon 3 times a day after meals.

It is recommended to be taken as a 6-week antiparasitic course, twice a year. When taking Macerat 13, we recommend avoiding carbohydrates, yeast, vinegar and alcohol.

Warnings: Recommended daily doses should not be exceeded. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. When cleaning from parasites, side effects are possible in the form of digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, gas. People taking medication should consult a doctor before taking it.

Method of storage and notes

In a dry and dark place up to 25 °C.

When taking Macerat 13, we recommend avoiding carbohydrates, yeast, vinegar and alcohol.

Recommended daily doses should not be exceeded. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. When cleaning from parasites, side effects are possible in the form of digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, gas. People taking medication should consult a doctor before taking it.

Delivery to HR and EU

Delivery 1-3 working days

Delivery price: €3.98

Free delivery within the Republic of Croatia for orders over €40

Delivery abroad:

- Germany €8 / 3-4 days
- Austria €8 / 3-4 days
- Slovenia €5 / 1-2 days
- Sweden €10 / 4-6 days
- Belgium €10 / 4-5 days
- Czech Republic €8 / 3-4 days
- Denmark €10 / 5-6 days
- France €10 / 5-6 days
- Greece €16 / 6-7 days
- Ireland €10 / 5-6 days
- Italy €10 / 4-5 days
- Hungary €8 / 1-2 days
- Netherlands 10€ /
4-5 days
- Poland €10 / 3-4 days
- Slovakia €8 / 3-4 days
- Spain €10 / 5-6 days

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The DETOX package contains 100% natural products as an excellent cure for thorough cleaning in the most natural way.

Cold-pressed hemp oil will clean excess water and bad fats from your body, sikavica granulate will support the liver so that the body detoxifies faster, and Macerat 13 will clean parasites and fungi that have no place in your body.

The action of these preparations, made with 100% love and 0% chemistry , is complementary and recommended by phytotherapist Iva Bačlija .

Hemp oil

Hemp oil (500ml) has a pleasant and mild taste, an extremely nutritious oil ideal for cold dishes and salads as well as skin care, it is the best support for restoring the body to balance. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, and their ratio in relation to omega-6 fatty acids in this natural oil is extremely favorable for the human body. It also contains vitamin E and B-complex vitamins.

Sikavic granulate

Sikavica granulate (250g) is the most natural source of the complete silymarin complex with as much as 140mg in 10g of the product. Sikavica is a plant that pushes the boundaries in phytotherapy, and has been in use for 2,000 years, and has no medical equivalent in liver treatment and skin care. With only two teaspoons a day, we can easily and effectively maintain the health of the liver, which is essential for the good health of the body.

Macerat 13

Macerate 13 (250ml) black walnut, wormwood and clove in walnut oil to fight against parasites. Bitter wormwood will make life miserable for parasites, black walnut will turn them black, and cloves will mercilessly destroy even their undeveloped "offspring". Macerated in cold-pressed walnut oil, these plants make Lautus (Latin cleaner) P - natural, effective and mild product against parasites.

100% love, 0% chemistry

Maticnjak domestic production of 100% natural products and plant extracts. Experience the power of nature in its original form!

For all questions regarding Matičnjak product and its use, please feel free to contact us on 099 532 6688, and all related questions Ops Biotics+ skin care lines on 099 8004 726.

Can't find your medicinal herb? - Ask a phytotherapist .


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Ivana Zebic

DETOX paket

Ana Hosni

Prezadovoljna sam proizvodima,osjecam se lakse,kao da je sve izaslo iz mene sto me mucilo,nisam vise napuhnuta....svakako cu ponovo naruciti dok potrosim....hvala vam

Božidarka Barbis

DETOX paket


Detox paket

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